NTT Communications Hong Kong Financial Data Centre

LocatedinTseungKwanO,FinancialDataCenterFDCisapurpose-builtcomplexwithtwoindependentdatacentertowers(FDC1andFDC2)andonecommandand ...,FDC配備準TierIV容錯基建設施,能提供高可靠性、冗餘性和復原能力,可抵禦地震、火災及洩漏等嚴重事故,防止單點故障。...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Hong Kong Financial Data Center

Located in Tseung Kwan O, Financial Data Center FDC is a purpose-built complex with two independent data center towers (FDC 1 and FDC 2) and one command and ...

NTT Communications 在港興建其首個金融數據中心

FDC配備準Tier IV容錯基建設施,能提供高可靠性、冗餘性和復原能力,可抵禦地震、火災及洩漏等嚴重事故,防止單點故障。此外,FDC亦採用模組化設計,讓客戶可 ...

NTT Communications

FDC1 opened in May 2013, offering 3,000 racks of space, while the newly launched FDC2 will bump this up to 7,000 racks. The ample space aside, racks located ...

NTT Global Data Centers FDC1

NTT Global Data Centers's FDC1 facility is located in Tseung Kwan O. The facility offers 2N UPS and N+1 generator redundancies.

NTT Hong Kong FDC1

NTT Hong Kong FDC1. Address: 6 Chun Kwong Street, Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China, 00000. Rating system: LEED BD+C: Core and Shellv3 - LEED 2009.

NTT Hong Kong Financial Data Center

NTT Communications Hong Kong Financial Data Centre (FDC[TM]) offers 100% uptime service level and unrivalled security measures to protect the mission-critical ...

[PDF] Hong Kong Data Centers

With over 3,000 racks of server space, FDC1 features sophisticated infrastructure design as well as exceptional power and cooling capacity that offer the ...

[PDF] Hong Kong Financial Data Center

With over 3,000 racks of server space, FDC1's Tier IV ready infrastructure offers a sophisticated fault tolerant design that features continuous cooling and ...


NTT Ltd.在香港營運的金融數據中心(FDC),正是由中電源動集團為其電力供應系統加入了精密先進的容錯設計。 位於將軍澳的FDC佔地30,000平方米,設有兩座數據中心大樓FDC1 ...


LocatedinTseungKwanO,FinancialDataCenterFDCisapurpose-builtcomplexwithtwoindependentdatacentertowers(FDC1andFDC2)andonecommandand ...,FDC配備準TierIV容錯基建設施,能提供高可靠性、冗餘性和復原能力,可抵禦地震、火災及洩漏等嚴重事故,防止單點故障。此外,FDC亦採用模組化設計,讓客戶可 ...,FDC1openedinMay2013,offering3,000racksofspace,whilethenewlylaunchedFDC2willbumpthisupto7,000racks.Theamplespace...